框架 倒是方面,但是不利于学习...先把js搞懂 比较好些吧
//common global property var __doc = document,__undef = 'undefined',__proto = "prototype"; //common global func function $C(tagName) { return __doc.createElement(tagName)} function $TagN(name) { return __doc.getElementsByTagName(name)} function $N(name) { return __doc.getElementsByName(name)} function $ID(id) { return __doc.getElementById(id)} function $Get(s,c) { return Moogens.Dom.get(s,c)} function loadjs(src){ var s = $C('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.src = src; $TagN('head')[0].appendChild(s); } function loadcss(href){ var l = $C('link'); l.rel = 'stylesheet'; l.type = 'text/css'; l.href = href; $TagN('head')[0].appendChild(s); } function $clsN(node,classname) { var re = new RegExp('(^| )' + classname + '( |$)'); return Moogens.Utilities.arrayMap(node.getElementsByTagName('*'),function(el,i){ if (el && el.nodeType==1 && re.test(el.className) ) return el; return null; }); } function $tagByAttribute(tag,attr,value){ return Moogens.Utilities.arrayMap($TagN(tag||'*'),function(el,i){ return el.getAttribute(attr) == value ? el : null; }); } (function(){ if (typeof Moogens == __undef) { Moogens = {meta: {author: 'kenxu',version: '0.01'}}; } if (typeof console == __undef) { console = {log: function(){}} ; } if (typeof Object.create !== 'function') { Object.create = function (o) { function F(){} F[__proto] = o; return new F(); } } Object.extend = function(dest, source) { for (var property in source) dest[property] = source[property]; return dest; }; Object.extend(String[__proto],{ trim: function(){return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');} , // zIndex 变成 z-index nocamelize: function(split){return this.replace(/(?=[A-Z])/g, split || '-').toLowerCase();} , // z-index 变成 zIndex camelize: function(){return this.replace(/-([a-z])/g, function(_0,_1){return _1.toUpperCase();});}, // @{id} 变成 值 tpl: function(k,v){return this.replace(new RegExp("@{" + k + "}", "g"),v);} }); Function[__proto].bind = function(object) { var __method = this; return function() { return __method.apply(object, arguments); } }; Moogens.Class = { create: function() { return function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } } }; Moogens.Utilities = { arrayMap: function(list, fn) { if (list && list.length){ var r = []; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var x = fn(list[i], i); if (x !== null) { r.push(x) ; } } return r ; } return []; } , each: function(list,fn){ if (list && list.length) for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) if (fn.call(list[i],i) == '#end#') break ; }, toArray: function(list){ if (typeof list == __undef) return [] ; if (Object[__proto].toString.call(list) === '[object Array]') return list ; var nArray = []; if (typeof list.length != __undef){ for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) nArray.push(list[i]); } else { nArray.push(list); } return nArray ; } }; Moogens.Browser = new function(){ // Useragent RegExp // var notIE = -[1,]; // var ie = !+"\v1"; //在ie下 +"\v1" 是NaN,而在其他浏览器下是1 var re = { webkit: /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/ , opera: /(opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/ , msie: /(msie) ([\w.]+)/ , mozilla: /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+))?/ } ; this.userAgent = navigator.userAgent ; this.uaMatch = function( ua ) { ua = ua.toLowerCase(); var match = re.webkit.exec( ua ) || re.opera.exec( ua ) || re.msie.exec( ua ) || ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && re.mozilla.exec( ua ) || []; return { browser: match[1] || "", version: match[2] || "0" }; } ; var match = this.uaMatch(this.userAgent); this[match.browser] = true ; this.version = match.version ; this.lang = (navigator.language || navigator.browserLanguage).toLowerCase(); if (this.webkit) this.safari = true; this.mobile = /(iPhone|iPad|iPod|Android)/i.test( this.userAgent ); re = null ; }; Moogens.Cookie = new function(){ this.get = function (name) { var arr = __doc.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^| )" + name + "=([^;]*)(;|$)")); if (arr != null) { return decodeURIComponent(arr[2]); } return null; }; this.set = function (sName,sValue,objHours,sPath,sDomain,bSecure){ var sCookie = sName + "=" + encodeURIComponent(sValue); if (objHours) { var date = new Date(); var ms = objHours * 3600 * 1000; date.setTime(date.getTime() + ms); sCookie += ";expires=" + date.toGMTString(); } if (sPath) { sCookie += ";path=" + sPath; } if (sDomain) { sCookie += ";domain=" + sDomain; } if (bSecure) { sCookie += ";secure"; } __doc.cookie=sCookie; }; this.clear = function (sName,sPath,sDomain,bSecure){ this.set(sName,'',0,sPath,sDomain,bSecure); } ; }; Moogens.Dom = { /* * onDOMReady * Copyright (c) 2009 Ryan Morr (ryanmorr.com) * Licensed under the MIT license. */ onReady: function(fn, ctx){ var ready, timer; var onStateChange = function(e){ //Mozilla & Opera if(e && e.type == "DOMContentLoaded"){ fireDOMReady(); //Legacy }else if(e && e.type == "load"){ fireDOMReady(); //Safari & IE }else if(__doc.readyState){ if((/loaded|complete/).test(__doc.readyState)){ fireDOMReady(); //IE, courtesy of Diego Perini (http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/) }else if(!!__doc.documentElement.doScroll){ try{ ready || __doc.documentElement.doScroll('left'); }catch(e){ return; } fireDOMReady(); } } }; var fireDOMReady = function(){ if(!ready){ ready = true; //Call the onload function in given context or window object fn.call(ctx || window); //Clean up after the DOM is ready if(__doc.removeEventListener) __doc.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onStateChange, false); __doc.onreadystatechange = null; window.onload = null; clearInterval(timer); timer = null; } }; //Mozilla & Opera if(__doc.addEventListener) __doc.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onStateChange, false); //IE __doc.onreadystatechange = onStateChange; //Safari & IE timer = setInterval(onStateChange, 5); //Legacy window.onload = onStateChange; } } ; // DOM Selector /* * "mini" Selector Engine * Copyright (c) 2009 James Padolsey * ------------------------------------------------------- * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * ------------------------------------------------------- * Version: 0.01 (BETA) Usage: var pAnchors = mini('p > a'); // Returns an array. for (var i = 0, l = pAnchors.length; i < l; ++i) { // Do stuff... } Supported Selectors: tag tag > .className tag > tag #id > tag.className .className tag tag, tag, #id tag#id.className .className span > * > b */ var mini=(function(){var b=/(?:[\w\-\\.#]+)+(?:\[\w+?=([\'"])?(?:\\\1|.)+?\1\])?|\*|>/ig,g=/^(?:[\w\-_]+)?\.([\w\-_]+)/,f=/^(?:[\w\-_]+)?#([\w\-_]+)/,j=/^([\w\*\-_]+)/,h=[null,null];function d(o,m){m=m||document;var k=/^[\w\-_#]+$/.test(o);if(!k&&m.querySelectorAll){return c(m.querySelectorAll(o))}if(o.indexOf(",")>-1){var v=o.split(/,/g),t=[],s=0,r=v.length;for(;s<r;++s){t=t.concat(d(v[s],m))}return e(t)}var p=o.match(b),n=p.pop(),l=(n.match(f)||h)[1],u=!l&&(n.match(g)||h)[1],w=!l&&(n.match(j)||h)[1],q;if(u&&!w&&m.getElementsByClassName){q=c(m.getElementsByClassName(u))}else{q=!l&&c(m.getElementsByTagName(w||"*"));if(u){q=i(q,"className",RegExp("(^|\\s)"+u+"(\\s|$)"))}if(l){var x=m.getElementById(l);return x?[x]:[]}}return p[0]&&q[0]?a(p,q):q}function c(o){try{return Array[__proto].slice.call(o)}catch(n){var l=[],m=0,k=o.length;for(;m<k;++m){l[m]=o[m]}return l}}function a(w,p,n){var q=w.pop();if(q===">"){return a(w,p,true)}var s=[],k=-1,l=(q.match(f)||h)[1],t=!l&&(q.match(g)||h)[1],v=!l&&(q.match(j)||h)[1],u=-1,m,x,o;v=v&&v.toLowerCase();while((m=p[++u])){x=m.parentNode;do{o=!v||v==="*"||v===x.nodeName.toLowerCase();o=o&&(!l||x.id===l);o=o&&(!t||RegExp("(^|\\s)"+t+"(\\s|$)").test(x.className));if(n||o){break}}while((x=x.parentNode));if(o){s[++k]=m}}return w[0]&&s[0]?a(w,s):s}var e=(function(){var k=+new Date();var l=(function(){var m=1;return function(p){var o=p.k,n=m++;if(!o){p.k=n;return true}return false}})();return function(m){var s=m.length,n=[],q=-1,o=0,p;for(;o<s;++o){p=m[o];if(l(p)){n[++q]=p}}k+=1;return n}})();function i(q,k,p){var m=-1,o,n=-1,l=[];while((o=q[++m])){if(p.test(o[k])){l[++n]=o}}return l}return d})(); Moogens.Dom.get = function(selector, context){ return typeof selector == 'string' ? mini(selector, context) : typeof selector == '[object Array]' ? selector : new Array(selector); }; Moogens.Dom.Node = function(ele){ this.setElement = function(ele){this.ele = ele && ele.nodeType ? ele : null ;return this;} ; this.getElement = function(ele){return this.ele ;} ; this.getElementTag = function(){return this.ele.nodeName;} ; this.getElementType = function(){return this.ele.nodeType;} ; this.setElement(ele || null) ; // css class relative this.hasClass = function(name) { var re = new RegExp('(^| )' + name + '( |$)'); return re.test(this.ele.className) ; }; this.addClass = function(name) {return this.toggleClass(name,true) ;}; this.removeClass = function(name) {return this.toggleClass(name,false) ;}; this.toggleClass = function (name,cond) { if (typeof name == __undef) this.ele.className = '' ; else { var re = new RegExp('(^| )' + name + '( |$)'); var had = re.test(this.ele.className) ; if (typeof cond != __undef){ if (cond){ if (!had) this.ele.className += ' ' + name; }else if (had) this.ele.className = this.ele.className.replace(re, ' '); }else this.ele.className = had ? this.ele.className.replace(re, ' ') : this.ele.className + ' ' + name ; re = had = null ; } return this ; }; this.css = function(key,value){ if (typeof key == 'object'){ for(var p in key) if (typeof p == "string") this.ele.style[p.camelize()] = key[p] ; }else if(typeof key == 'string'){ if (typeof value == __undef) return this.ele.style[key.camelize()] ; this.ele.style[key.camelize()] = (typeof value == 'function') ? value(this.ele) : value ; } return this ; } ; // dom attribute /* this.attr = function (key,value) { if (typeof key == 'object'){ for(var p in key){ if (typeof p == "string"){ try{ this.ele[p] = key[p] ; }catch(e){ console.log(this.ele.nodeName+" "+p+" readonly"); } } } }else if(typeof key == 'string'){ if (typeof value == __undef) return this.ele[key] ; if (typeof value == 'function') value = value(this.ele) ; try{ this.ele[key] = value ; }catch(e){ console.log(this.ele.nodeName+" "+key+" readonly"); } } return this ; }; this.removeAttr = function(name){ try{ this.ele[name] = null ; }catch(e){ console.log(this.ele.nodeName+" "+name+" readonly"); } return this ; }; */ this.attr = function (key,value) { if (typeof key == 'object'){ for(var p in key){ if (typeof p == "string"){ try{ if (Moogens.Browser.mozilla) this.ele.setAttribute(p,key[p]); else this.ele[p] = key[p] ; }catch(e){ console.log(this.ele.nodeName+" "+p+" readonly"); } } } }else if(typeof key == 'string'){ if (typeof value == __undef) { if (Moogens.Browser.mozilla) return this.ele.getAttribute(key); return this.ele[key] ; } if (typeof value == 'function') value = value(this.ele) ; try{ this.ele[key] = value ; }catch(e){ console.log(this.ele.nodeName+" "+key+" readonly"); } } return this ; }; this.removeAttr = function(name){ try{ if (Moogens.Browser.mozilla) this.ele.setAttribute(name,null); else this.ele[name] = null ; }catch(e){ console.log(this.ele.nodeName+" "+name+" readonly"); } return this ; }; this.val = function(value){ if (typeof value == __undef) return this.ele['value'] ; this.ele['value'] = value ; return this ; }; this.text = function(value){ if (typeof value == __undef) { if (typeof console._1dct == __undef){ console._1dct = function(e){ var ret = '' ; if (e && e.nodeType){ // 8 注释节点 1 元素节点 if ( e.nodeType != 8 ){ Moogens.Utilities.each(e.childNodes,function(){ ret += this.nodeType == 1 ? console._1dct(this) : this.nodeValue; }); } } return ret ; } ; } return console._1dct(this.ele) ; } this.empty().ele.appendChild(__doc.createTextNode(value)); return this ; }; this.html = function(value){ if (typeof value == __undef) return this.ele['innerHTML'] ; try{ this.ele['innerHTML'] = value.replace(/<script[^>]*>[\S\s]*?<\/script[^>]*>/ig, ""); }catch(e){ console.log(this.ele.nodeName+" innerHTML readonly"); } return this ; } ; this.offset = function(){ if (this.css('display') == 'none') return {} ; var _1 = this.ele ; var t=_1.offsetTop; var l=_1.offsetLeft; while(_1=_1.offsetParent){ t+=_1.offsetTop+(Moogens.Browser.msie? _1.clientTop:0); l+=_1.offsetLeft+(Moogens.Browser.msie? _1.clientLeft:0); } return {left:l,top:t}; } // 简易效果 this.show = function(){ return this.css({display: ''}); } ; this.hide = function(){ return this.css({display: 'none'}); } ; this.toggle = function(){ this.ele.style.display = this.ele.style.display == '' ? 'none' : ''; return this ; } ; this.resizeTo = function(w,h){ return this.css({width: w + "px" ,height: h + "px"}); } ; // 文档处理 this.remove = function() {this.ele.parentNode.removeChild(this.ele);} ; this.empty = function(){ while ( this.ele.firstChild ) this.ele.removeChild( this.ele.firstChild ); return this ; }; // dom event bind this.focus = function(){ if (this.ele.focus) this.ele.focus() ; return this ; } ; this.on = function(type,fn){ if (typeof fn == 'function') Moogens.Dom.Event.add(this.ele,type,fn); return this ; } ; this.un = function(type,fn){ if (typeof fn == 'function') Moogens.Dom.Event.remove(this.ele,type,fn); return this ; } ; this.click = function(fn){ if (typeof fn == __undef) return this.fireEvent('click'); return this.on('click',fn); } ; this.dbclick = function(fn){ if (typeof fn == __undef) return this.fireEvent('dblclick'); return this.on('dblclick',fn); } ; this.fireEvent = function(type){ if (typeof type == 'string'){ type = 'on' + type ; if (typeof this.ele.fireEvent == 'function') this.ele.fireEvent(type); else{ if (typeof this.ele[type] == 'function') this.ele[type](); } } return this ; } }; Moogens.Dom.NodeList = function(elements){ var node = new Moogens.Dom.Node(); var list = Moogens.Utilities.arrayMap(elements,function(ele){ return ele && ele.nodeType ? ele : null ; }) ; /** * @return Moogens.Dom.Node */ this.get = function(i){ return (typeof i != __undef) && list[i] ? node.setElement(list[i]) : null ; } ; this.count = function () { return list.length; } ; this.each = function (fn) { for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) fn.call(this.get(i),i) ; return this ; } ; } ; Moogens.Dom.XmlEngine = function(){ var _xml = null; if (window.ActiveXObject){ _xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); _xml.async=false; }else if (__doc.implementation && __doc.implementation.createDocument){ _xml = __doc.implementation.createDocument("","",null); } this.load = function(url,callback){ if (_xml){ _xml.load(url); if (typeof callback == 'function'){ if (window.ActiveXObject) callback(_xml); else _xml.onload = callback; } } }; // this.getXmlDoc = function(){return _xml;}; this.destroy = function(){ _xml = null; }; }; Moogens.Dom.$ = function(selector,context){ return new Moogens.Dom.NodeList(Moogens.Dom.get(selector,context)); } ; Moogens.Dom.Event = { add: function(obj,type,fn){ obj["e"+type+fn] = fn; if (obj.addEventListener) obj.addEventListener(type, fn, false); else if (obj.attachEvent){ obj[type+fn] = function() {obj["e"+type+fn](window.event);}; obj.attachEvent("on"+type, obj[type+fn]); } } , remove: function (obj, type, fn){ if (obj.removeEventListener) obj.removeEventListener(type, obj["e"+type+fn], false); else if (obj.detachEvent) { obj.detachEvent("on"+type, obj[type+fn]); } obj[type+fn] = null; obj["e"+type+fn] = null; } , preventDefault: function(evt){ // 取消元素默认行为的方法 evt = evt || window.event ; if (evt.preventDefault) evt.preventDefault(); else evt.returnValue = false ; } , preventBubble: function(evt){ // 取消元素上层元素的事件冒泡 evt = evt || window.event ; if (evt.stopPropagation) evt.stopPropagation(); else evt.cancelBubble = true ; } , keyCode: function(evt){ evt = evt || window.event ; return evt.keyCode || evt.charCode || 0 ; } , /** * 事件委托 机制 -- 从上层元素捕捉事件源,并传到回调函数 * * 兼容IE和FF * @param DOM元素 proxyElement * @param string type * @param function fn 传入参数为事件源对象 * @param bool isPreventDefault 是否阻止元素的默认行为 */ addProxy: function(proxyElement,type,fn,isPreventDefault){ var handle = type + '_handle' ; var _this = this ; proxyElement[handle] = function(evt){ evt = evt || window.event ; var target = evt.target || evt.srcElement ; fn(target); if (isPreventDefault) _this.preventDefault(evt); } ; this.add(proxyElement,type,proxyElement[handle]); }, /** * 移除 proxyElement的委托事件 * * @param DOM元素 proxyElement * @param string type */ removeProxy: function(proxyElement,type){ var handle = type + '_handle' ; this.remove(proxyElement,type,proxyElement[handle]) } } ; // Queue 队列: 先进先出 Moogens.Queue = function(){ var vol = Moogens.Utilities.toArray(arguments); this.size = vol.length; this.push = function(item){ vol.push(item); this.size ++ ; }; this.shift = function(){ if (!this.size) return null; this.size -- ; return vol.shift(); }; this.empty = function(){ vol = []; this.size = 0; }; this.reverse = function(){ vol.reverse(); }; }; })(); |
jQuery 写法简单,功能强大 初学有点难懂! |
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